1 Facebook Share = $7 Invested


Sometimes we can view Facebook as a bad thing. We think our kids are spending too much time on there. Or find ourselves thinking, ‘what did Justin Bieber do today to flood our mini-feed?’

The fact is most people now get their news from Facebook, as reported by Fortune in this report earlier this year, so it’s a great way to build awareness for your cause. Kickstarter recently posted a blog that shows the stat that most of the contributions on Kickstarter are in the form of $10, $25, and $50. These are the same people who see a Kickstarter project on Facebook and then contribute because they feel compelled to. They may not have $100 or $1,000, but they know that their $10 is going towards a great project and that excites them!

Crowdfunding is built on the $10 investments that add up and make a huge impact. Our goal is to help our cause creators attract more of those $10, $25, and $50 investors by leveraging the power of Facebook - #SharingMakesCents. What happens if you don't have a community who can contribute financially to help your students? Everyone has a community (or knows someone) who uses Facebook. When people in the same Facebook community begin sharing the same news, it starts "trending" and appears on more people's mini-feeds creating lots of buzz around the need. Let us help give you a kickstart and get your cause "trending".

From November 10th - November 22nd, the first 150 causes submitted on PledgeCents will receive $100 towards a Facebook Matching Campaign.

For every Facebook share your cause receives, you will earn $1 towards your cause from PledgeCents.

On average, 1 Facebook Share = $7 invested from your community.

Every cause created for a Prek-12 need is eligible. Allow this $100 investment to help kickstart the funds raised for a larger goal you may have.

We’ve created the resource below to give you pointers on how to leverage Facebook to help give your students the opportunities they deserve! Take a look and Sign up or Sign in today and take advantage of our #SharingMakesCents campaign.

Because Every Cent Counts

PledgeCents Team

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