5 Ways for Parents to Get In On The Fun!

PledgeCents is For Everyone

We to talk directly to teachers a lot because they are in their classrooms every day to build up our future, but what many of you may not know is that anyone can raise money for a classroom on PledgeCents. For this post we're focusing on all of the parents out there because like teachers, you are also on the front lines everyday!

Whether you are already actively involved in a school or looking to start, here is our list to get those creative juices flowing and help you submit your cause today.

1) Ask a teacher what her biggest need is. This time of year is incredibly busy for teachers with plenty of testing, evaluation and end of year duties. That doesn't mean there aren't needs for this year or next that they would focus on if they had the time. Post a cause under the school and we'll send the funds direclty to the school as soon as the cause ends. Like magic :)

2) End of the year party fund. Everyone deserves a party after a long school year. Encourage fellow parents to contribute (they're tax deductible after all) and ensure that both the teacher and students get the summer send off they deserve! As you can see from this cause for a pizza party, a little funding goes a long way in motivating students!

3) Supplement an existing fundraiser. Some of you may already be involved in a PTO/PTA led fundriaser. You can add the PTO/PTA on PledgeCents and give the fundraiser online component to your fundraiser and reach beyond just the local school community. Start small like this cause or reach for the stars like this one. We provide you with the resources and tools you need to succeed. It sure beats selling chocolate!

4) Support a school down the street. Many studies (including this one referenced on National PTA) are showing the correlation of family and community involvement and improved student outcomes. When students see their community taking an active interest in their education, for one their self-condfidence improves. So why not pick a school in your community in need and show them that their community cares. Don't see the school on listed? Submit the school form with the information you have and our team will get to work on getting them approved.

5) Fund Summer Reading. As this cause points out, summer reading helps to maintain and grow the progress that students have achieved throughout the year. But not every student goes home to shelves full of book. Find a classroom or school in need in your area and surprise them with the gift of reading!

Whether you are an active parent in your child's school, a parent to a teacher in the classroom or just a parent who sees a classroom in need, we want to see your causes and help them succeed. That's why our team gives feedback on every cause and is available to help any time you need it. So submit with confidence and let's finish off this school year with a bang!

Sign up and create your cause in just minute!

If you have any questions, email us at info@pledgecents.com.

Because Every Cent Counts

PledgeCents Team

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