5 Cause Ideas That You Should Steal (And Tweak)

It’s the beginning of July which means sunscreen, popsicles, and the countdown to the first day of school. It’s ok if you are ignoring the last one, but we want to give you some summer inspiration nonetheless. Here are 5 of the great causes we have seen this year and recommend that you copy and tweak to fit the needs in your classroom.

Run Julio Run (And Zoe!)...All The Way To Camp
We focus mostly on classroom and school causes. But this is an excellent way to support your students’ extracurricular activities. Desert Edge High School originally posted a cause to send Julio, the captain of the cross country team, to the Nike High School Running Camp in Flagstaff, Arizona. The cause picked up momentum and they raised enough money to send Zoe, the girls captain to the camp as well.

If you have one or two students that have special talents, a PledgeCents cause is an excellent way to support them and show that the community cares.

No One Wants To Hitchhike In Dress Clothes
This cause could have been selected based on its name alone. This is an excellent example of sharing a short narrative that really creates community buy-in. By highlighting the special nature of the internship program and relating it back to how valuable of a life experience it is, allowed the cause to sell-itself.

Unfortunately, it is programs like these that lose funding first when budget cuts strike. If you are working on a special initiative that has a shrinking budget, you can supplement any funding with a cause. If you work with older students, you can also get them to create it and tell their story.

Human Rights Game 3D Game Board
This cause proves that anything can be funded with PledgeCents. By sharing critical background information as well as the vision for the game, Mr. Riser got everybody on board in a few short paragraphs. A reasonable goal was set, PledgePoints were used well, and when it was all said and done almost double the original goal amount was raised.

Support A Future Leader Attend A Stem Summer Program
Just read this cause description. It speaks for itself.

Rewarding The Best Readers In The Galaxy
This cause uses one of our favorite strategies, leveraging pop culture. This cause focused on rewarding hard working students with an awesome opportunity to go to the movie theater to see Star Wars. The timing was perfect and they quickly met their goal. Using a cause to raise money for student rewards and incentives is a great way to share the stories of the hard work your students are putting in.

If you have any questions, email us at info@pledgecents.com.

Because Every Cent Counts

PledgeCents Team

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