The #PCeduchat mission is to provide educators with an organic, open forum to discuss frustrations & disruptions within our educational system while fostering collaborative solutions and support through a growing #PLN (personal learning network). The chat is held every other Wednesday at 8pm EST. Our friends at Participate Learning provide a fantastic chat platform where you can easily follow along and respond to the conversation.
Want to learn more about about EdChats? Click to read a more detailed blog here.
Past Transcripts and Upcoming Chat Schedule:
2/15/17 - Bridging Interactive #EdTech and Lecture in the Classroom (Special guest - NearPod)
2/1/17 - Collaboration Among District Teachers
1/18/17 - Bringing #EdTech Opportunities to all Classrooms
1/4/17 - Refocusing Your Students after a Holiday Break
12/21/16 - Balanced Assessment
12/7/16 - The Importance of Recess
11/9/16 -Suspension and Expulsion in School
10/26/16 - Play vs Learning
10/12/16 - The Homework Debate
9/28/16 - School Climate and Culture
9/14/16 - Kids and Tough Topics
9/1/16 - Classroom Rules vs Promises
8/18/16 - Classroom Planning and Design
8/4/16 - Summer Professional Development
7/21/16 - Celebrating The Teaching Profession
7/7/16 - #EdTech - Innovations from 1776 to Present Day
6/23/16 - Rethinking the Role of the Literacy Leader
6/9/16 - 21st Century Learners