From 0 to 100: The road to our first $100K

Today, in honor of meeting our goal of raising $100,000 on the site (and Throwback Thursday of course), we are throwing it way back to the summer of 2012. That is when two best friends, Andy and Ricky, were kicking around ideas about how to help their teacher friends…

Cents in Action: Mohamad Maarouf

Welcome to our eighth Cents in Action blog post. Every Sunday, we will be featuring an educator who has used our site to raise money for a school or classroom need. Last week, we featured Kalli Harrell of The Soulsville Charter School in Memphis, Tennessee. You can check it out…

Cents in Action: What you can do with your cents!

Normally for our weekly Cents in Actions posts, we focus in on one teacher and how the money they have raised on PledgeCents has affected their students and classroom. This week, we are going to showcase the wide variety of different resources, trips, and other amazing things teachers have raised…

We're Going to Ireland!

The first week of November, we will be taking PledgeCents on the road! And by "on the road" we mean on a plane, across the ocean, and all the way to Dublin, Ireland. We are excited and honored to announce that we have been selected to participate in the web…

Cents in Action: Kalli Harrell

Welcome to our seventh Cents in Action blog post. Every Sunday, we will be featuring an educator who has used our site to raise money for a school or classroom need. Last week, we featured Dewitt Robsinson of Andrew Jackson High School in Jacksonville, Florida. You can check it out…

Teachers Know Best

Day in and day out, teachers practice teaching. They note what works and does not work for their students, and they adjust their plans accordingly. When it comes to teaching, teachers know best. They know what their students need and when they need it. Obvious, right? They are the professionals…