Cents in Action: Against All Odds

For this week’s 'Cents in Action' post we have the pleasure of sharing a narrative from Carol Salva, a teacher at Stratford High School at Spring Branch ISD in Houston, TX. Carol used PledgeCents to fund a trip to the aquarium for her refugee students. Spring Branch Education Foundation…

PledgeCents Best of 2016

“That was the best year we’ve had yet!” is something that we certainly hear and say a lot. Oftentimes, it seems as though each new year tops the last with new accomplishments, adventures, and friendships. Isn’t this truly a great thing, though? We should all work to reflect…

#Get2ISTE 2017 - See Y'all There!

Create a PledgeCents fundraising page to #Get2ISTE!!! We'll see y'all in Texas! Now, you are able to create a fundraising page in seconds to help you #Get2ISTE! The annual ISTE conference is the Mecca of connected educators. Thousand and thousands of motivated teachers and leaders come together to share, advocate…

Cents in Action: A Dream Deferred, A Plan Hatched

For this week’s 'Cents in Action' post we have the pleasure of sharing a narrative from Jason Mcgee, a teacher at Turner High School in Kansas City, Kansas. Mr. McGee's fundraising page has raised over $1,500 for the new Club of Rock at Turner High School! Among other…

Preferred Partner Highlight: Elesapiens

The Vision In 2007 the FUESCYL Foundation commissioned a campaign to engage kids in science to coincide with the celebration of Charles Darwin’s anniversary. This was to be the first of many educational projects that Antonio Vega, the founder of Elesapiens, and his team developed for a variety of…